Sensitive New Age Kid

Big Hero 6 Last week, we went to see Big Hero 6. We heard so much about it - watched the trailers and read the reviews. Lucas was also very keen to watch the movie. After I finished work, I brought him (he came to my office) to meet my wife at NEX to watch the movie. It was very funny at first. My son laughed out very loudly at many points of the movie. He also enjoyed the fighting scenes. However, at the last part, when Baymax (the marshmallow robot) 'sacrificed' itself so as to save Hiro, my son got very upset. He remained very upset throughout the whole journey back home, despite our attempts to point out that Baymax's memory chip survived and Hiro was able to build another Baymax. He did not seemed convinced that robots and people are different. Actually since young, he has been quite sensitive to loss, hurt and deaths in movies. When he was younger, whenever the television showed people in combat or in conflict, he will be very upset and demand that the televi...