My son's first detention

Recently, my son had his first experience with an "official" tool of punishment - detention. Of course he had been scolded verbally by teachers, for minor offences like talking in class and so on. Many of us were similarly punished before, so I did not blog about it. It was nothing worthy of writing about. However, detention was something very different. Of course, detention in primary school is slightly different from the secondary school. In secondary school, the students stay back in school and cannot even participate in CCAs. This mode of punishment is of course not suitable for primary school children as they are unable to go home on their own. In Catholic High, detention means going to a classroom and reading a book till the last ten minutes or so. Then they are allowed to eat food in the classroom. In other words, the parents need to ensure they have some food to eat. This of course means home-cooked food. Now back to what happened. Actually I think it w...