Sea Games

Recently, I brought my son to an appointment at KKH's Child Development Centre for a routine check-up. The professor said that he was developing quite good. But she said that I should allow him more exposure to physical activities given his issues with motor planning. If you have been reading my blog, you will realise that it was what I intended to do. I am not expecting him to excel in sports, but more exposure to any sport will do him good. He is posing in front of the rules. So on my off-day I took the opportunity to bring my son to the SEA Games. For some reason, he wanted to watch Table Tennis. Since I had no particular sport in mind (other than Swimming - sold out and Football - sold out), I agreed. After all, I was in Table Tennis in Primary school. I think nobody can remember this anymore. Though I have to say, I am definitely not good in Table Tennis - my skills more or less remained stagnant at Primary school level. The table tennis tables... far far away. I...